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Perky Collar Radio Show interview with published author,
Revital Horowitz
Author Revital Horowitz’s memoiristic novel Daughter of Iraq relates the stories of several generations of Iraqi Jewish women who immigrate to Israel. The saga describes life in Iraq in both nostalgic and critical terms. In this excerpt, the family matriarch challenges her son, a leader of the Haganah, a Jewish self-defense force organized in Iraq after anti-Jewish riots left hundreds dead and injured there in 1941. Horowitz’s heartfelt tale of immigration told from the point-of-view of women now joins the more familiar works written by male Iraqi Jewish writers, a list that includes Eli Amir, Shimon Ballas, Sami Michael, Ronny Someck, and Sasson Somekh.
Adam Rovner, Hebrew translations editor. Read More
Adam Rovner
ZEEK Magazine
Alex Adena - Q&A with Revital Shiri-Horowitz
Revital Shiri-Horowitz’s novel “Daughters of Iraq” explores a story of generations in a Jewish family living in Iraq. We talk about the origins of the story, the transition from living in Israel to the United States, and the process of translating a novel into a second language. Read More
Interview with Author Tim Ellis
I love that we, authors, share our work and knowledge with each other and with our readers. Let me tell you about my book Daughters of Iraq, which was published in Hebrew four years ago, recently,translated to English, and published in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and several other countries. It is available in soft cover and in eBook form. Read More